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Rescue Party is an animated short created by Studio 208 Animation, a talented and creative collective of student and professionals. Rescue Party Is an adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s first published short story by the same name. The animated short is inspired by, and an homage to, classic science fiction such as Star Trek, The Stars, Like Dust,  2001 A Space Odyssey, and Battlestar Galactica.

The plot of Rescue Party is simple, the crew of the S9000 must save a little girl, Lilly, before the Earth is destroyed by the exploding sun. Rescue Party is divided into three acts: The Arrival, The Rescue, and The Return. While enjoying the short, pay close attention to little details in the design of the characters, ships, and environments. There, little references and nods to science fiction and popular culture can be found.

Rescue Party truly is a love letter to the science fiction genre and to what makes it great: action and adventure, trials and tribulations, and most importantly, hope.

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